Making Exercise Fun
My new years resolution is to get fit!
The most common new years resolution that fails in the first few weeks of the new year. Why? because making exercise fun is not easy, so getting motivated is hard. But trampolines are making exercise fun again!
The beginning of another year is the perfect opportunity for people to re-evaluate how they’ve been leading their lives, and reminds them of the resolutions they made months ago. Is there anything people can do to make their resolutions stick?
Most people start dropping off their visits to the gym after a few weeks because they find it too hard. Getting fit takes time, which some people don’t have to see the results of their work. Nevertheless, what if burning calories and dropping pounds didn’t involve a trainer and muscle pain half way through? More significantly, what if exercising could be fun again?
Exercise = Fun???
Jumping up and down can burn as much as a hundred and sixty calories after half an hour. Nonetheless, most gyms don’t include it in their programs because of the high impact on the joints, along with the effort it takes to fight off gravity repeatedly. Fortunately, there’s a way for people to obtain the results of this exercise without risking injury, or suffering fatigue: bouncing on a trampoline.
Our Bounce Fit program employs all the benefits of a cardio workout without all the tedious activities that can quickly take the fun out of a session. The minutes will just fly by as childhood memories come rushing back to provide a unique experience that increases the heart rate, without decreasing the fun rate. Making exercise fun has never been this easy!
Here’s a little peak at one of our Bounce Fit classes in action.
The Science of Bouncing
The absence of resistance when jumping on a trampoline negates the stress that people feel when jumping up and down on a hard surface. This stress on the landing is what contributes to the difficulty people experience when performing jumping jacks. The joints simply don’t have enough time to recover from getting beat up on the landing, before being called on again to exert force and push the rest of the body up.
Trampolines don’t just cancel the stress, but help with the succeeding lift. Look through our Bounce Fit page to get more information on our program and class times, or contact us directly for any questions you might have. Our teams are ready to walk you through whatever enquiries you might have regarding our program schedules and services.