Terms & Conditions




Exclusion of liability – waiver of right to sue – your assumption of risk – you are entering a contract – these conditions affect your legal rights!

1. “BOUNCEInc” means Bounce Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 220 154
569), represented in Egypt by Katameya Co. for Trampoline
and Gym (94737) and its employees, directors and agents as
the supplier of recreational services.

2. “Recreational Services” includes but is not limited to
trampolining, trampolining lessons, use of the wall, foam pit,
bag jump, equipment rental and maintenance, the condition,
layout, construction, design, maintenance and use of
trampolines, the presence of people or objects thereon, the
surrounding areas and any other associated sporting activities
or similar leisure time pursuits.

3. By purchasing a ticket for, or by using the facilities at any
BOUNCEInc venue, the customer agrees that a contract for
the sale and supply of services is being formed between the
customer and BOUNCEInc and the customer agrees to be
bound by these terms and conditions.

4. BOUNCEinc is not liable to the customer, your dependants or
legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by
the customer because the recreational activities were not
supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for
their purpose or because of the negligence, breach of
contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

5. The customer acknowledges that the recreational activities are
dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a
consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur
and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and
hereby waives the right to sue BOUNCEinc for any personal
injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to
the customer’s participation in such activities.

6. RISK WARNING: The use of trampolines, the wall, foam
pit, bag jump or any other equipment at any BOUNCEinc
venue involves a significant risk of participants suffering
personal injury including the possibility of serious
injuries, permanent disability or death. All participants
who engage in such recreational activities do so at their
own risk.

7. WARNING: If you participate in these activities your rights to
sue the supplier under the Egyptian Consumer Law Act 2016
number 76 if you are killed or injured because the activities
were not supplied with due care and skill or were not
reasonably fit for their purpose, are excluded, restricted or
modified in the way set out in this sign (paragraphs 4 and 5).

8. NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in or on this sign,
does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence
on the supplier’s part. Gross negligence, in relation to an act or
omission, means doing the act or omitting to do an act with
reckless disregard, with or without consciousness, for the
consequences of the act or omission. See regulation 76 of the
Egyptian Consumer Law Act 2016.

9. The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises
BOUNCEinc to take all steps it considers reasonably
necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of
personal injury, including the administration of any
emergency medical treatment and ambulance

10. Children must be at least 3 years of age to use the facilities
at any BOUNCEinc venue and when less than 12 years of
age be supervised by a responsible adult. Where you are
responsible for such children you agree to be bound by
these conditions on their behalf and
you will directly supervise them at all times.

11. Participants must be in good health and free from any
adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant
women, customers with pre-existing health issues or
wearing casts are not permitted on the trampolines, the
wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment. If in doubt
please seek medical advice. By using these facilties, you
warrant that you are in good health and free from any
adverse medical conditions or you will otherwise refrain
from participating in the recreational activities.

12. While in any BOUNCEinc venue you consent to images
and video being taken for security or promotional purposes
of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are

13. All tickets remain the property of BOUNCEinc and cannot
be refunded, transferred or resold. They are valid only for
the date shown and are void if tampered with.

14. The customer and all participants must comply with all
signs or other directions of BOUNCEinc and it may
suspend or cancel the customer’s and a participant’s
access to recreational activities at any BOUNCEinc venue
in its absolute discretion for non‑compliance with these
conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct.

15. If you purchase a ticket for the use of the trampolines
or any other equipment or facilities at any BOUNCEinc
venue on behalf of another person, you and that other
person both agree that you make that purchase as the
authorised agent of that other person so that he/she will be
bound by these conditions.

16. These conditions shall be governed by and construed
firstly in accordance with the laws of the Arab Republic of
Egypt (the Cairo courts of which shall have exclusive
jurisdiction) If any of these conditions should be
determined to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable,
such conditions shall be deemed deleted and the
remaining conditions shall remain and continue to be valid,
binding and enforceable.



تعليمات هامه – برجاء القراءه

 هذه الورقه هي استبعاد مسؤليه -تنازل عن مسؤليه – بموافقتك علي الشروط الاتيه أدناه, فأنت تدخل عقد تؤثر شروطه علي حقوقك القانونيه

9. يوافق العميل على تحمل كافة التكاليف المرتبطة بحوادث الاصابة كما يفوض شركة باونس انكوربريشين باتخاذ كافة الاجراءات اللازمة لتقديم الرعاية المناسبة في مثل هذه الحالات بما في ذلك التدخل الطبي السريع او نقل المصاب بالإسعاف.
10. يجب الا يقل سن الاطفال المستخدمين لأى موقع من مواقع باونس انكوربريشين عن ثلاث سنوات وعلى ان يكون كل من هم اقل من 12 سنة تحت اشراف شخص بالغ مسئول ويعتبر تحملك لمسئولية الاطفال اقراراً منك بالموافقة على هذه الشروط نيابةً عنهم والتزاماً بالأشراف عليهم طوال الوقت.
11. يجب ان يكون كل المشاركين بصحة جيدة ولا يعانون من امراض مزمنة. ومن اجل سلامتكم لا يجب على كل من يرتدى جبيرة أو السيدات الحوامل او العملاء الذين كانوا يعانون من ظروف صحية سابقاً المشاركة بالعاب الترامبولين او الحوائط او الفوم بيت او الباج جامب او أي العاب آخري وبرجاء اخذ الاستشارة الطبية في حالة عدم التأكد من الوضع الصحي قبل استخدام أي من الالعاب المذكورة. وتعد مشاركتك بهذه الانشطة التي تم ذكرها اقراراً منك انك بحالة صحية جيدة ولا تعانى من أي امراض مزمنة اما بغير ذلك تتعهد انك سوف تمتنع عن المشاركة في الانشطة الترفيهية.
12. لأسباب امنية او لأغراض ترويجية ، برجاء العلم ان وجودك بأي موقع من مواقع باونس يمثل موافقة منك على تصوير صور فتوغرافية او تسجيل لبعض مقاطع الفيديو لك او لأبنائك او للأطفال أو الأشخاص الذين تصطبهم.
13. تعد التذاكر ملكية خاصة بشركة باونس انكوربريشين فقط ولا يجوز استرداد قيمتها او التنازل عنها لشخص آخر او اعادة بيعها فهي سارية في التاريخ المدون عليها فقط وتعتبر غير سارية في حالة التلاعب بها.
14. يجب على جميع العملاء والمشاركين الالتزام بكافة الشروط او التعليمات الخاصة بباونس انكوربريشين وعدم الالتزام بتلك الشروط او تجاهلها قد يتسبب في منع العميل او المشارك من دخول أي موقع من مواقع باونس انكوربريشين الترفيهية.
15. في حالة شرائك لتذكرة دخول واستخدام العاب الترامبولين او أي انشطة او العاب آخري بأي موقع من مواقع باونس انكوربريشين و الجيم نيابة عن شخص آخر، يعد ذلك موافقةً منك ومن الشخص الآخر انك مفوضاً عنه من جانب التزامه بهذه الشروط.
16. تخضع هذه الشروط للأحكام والقوانين السارية بجمهورية مصر العربية و محاكم القاهرة (ويكون الاختصاص المحلى للمحاكم التابع لها الموقع). ولا يعتبر الغاء او ابطال او شطب أي شرط من الشروط المذكورة الغاء للشروط الأخرى، بل تظل باقي الشروط سارية المفعول بكافة احكامها فيما لم يتم تعديله.

1. “باونس انكوربريشين” هى باونس استراليا – شركة خاصة ذات مسئولية محدودة (رقم تسجيل 220154569) واسمها التجاري فى جمهورية مصر العربية هو شركة القطامية للترامبولين و الجيم (94737) ويعد العاملين والمديرين ووكلاء الشركة مقدمي خدمات ترفيهية .
2. وتشمل الخدمات الترفيهية على سبيل المثال لا الحصر العاب الترامبولين ودروس تعليم الترامبولين بما في ذلك استخدام الحوائط والفوم بيت والباج جامب واستئجار المعدات وصيانتها وحالة الترامبولين وتصميمها وصيانتها واستخدامها ووجود اشخاص او اشياء بالموقع والاماكن المحيطة بها وأي نشاطات رياضية آخري ذات صلة او العاب ترفيهية مماثلة.
3. ويعد شراء تذكرة الدخول لباونس او استخدام أي موقع من مواقع باونس انكوربريشين بمثابة موافقة من العميل على ابرام عقد بيع وتوريد خدمات بين العميل وباونس انكوربريشين والتزاماً منه بهذه الشروط.
4. لا تتحمل شركة باونس انكوربريشين مسئولية العملاء ولا المعالين او الممثلين القانونيين في حالات الاصابة او الوفاة التي قد تلحق بالعميل نتيجة لعدم تقديم الانشطة الترفيهية بعناية ومهارة او في حالة انها لا تتناسب مع الغرض المطلوب او نتيجة الاهمال او مخالفة بنود العقد او اللوائح والواجبات القانونية الخاصة بباونس انكوربريشين.
5. يقر العميل بمعرفته ان الانشطة الترفيهية خطيرة ولها العديد من المخاطر الكامنة التي قد تسبب الاصابة او الوفاة في بعض الحالات كما يقر بموافقته وقبوله لكافة المخاطر الناشئة عن ممارسة هذا النشاط ويعد ذلك تنازلاً منه عن حق مقاضاة باونس انكوربريشين في حالات الاصابات او الوفاة الناتجة عن او ذات صلة بمشاركة العميل بمثل هذه الانشطة.
6. تحذير من المخاطر: قد يشكل استخدام الترامبولين او الحوائط او الفوم بيت او الباج جامب وأي العاب او معدات آخري بأيٍ من مواقع باونس انكوربريشين خطراً بليغاً للمشاركين نتيجة الاصابات التي قد تلحق بهم واحتمالية حدوث اصابات بليغة او عجز دائم او وفاة. ويجب على جميع المشاركين بمثل هذه الانشطة الترفيهية تحمل المسئولية كاملة.
7. تحذير: تمثل مشاركتك في مثل هذه الانشطة تنازلاً عن حقوقك في تطبيق قانون حماية المستهلك المصري رقم 76 لسنة 2006 ولائحته التنفيذية وعن مقاضاة مقدمي الخدمة في حالات الوفاة او الاصابة نتيجة لعدم تقديم الخدمة بعناية ومهارة او في حالة عدم مناسبتها للغرض المطلوب كما هو موضح بالبنود رقم (4) و(5) اعلاه.
8. ملحوظة: لا تمثل حالات الاصابة او الوفاة الناتجة عن اهمال تام من جانب مقدم الخدمة تغييراً للحقوق المنصوص عليها بهذه اللائحة ويعتبر الاهمال التام او الاغفال اثناء تأدية عمل ما، هو القيام بذلك العمل باستهتار او الاغفال عن تأديته سواء بمعرفة او بغير معرفة لعواقب القيام به او الاغفال عن تأديته. برجاء الرجوع الى البند رقم….من قانون حماية المستهلك المصري رقم 76 لسنة 2006

South Australia


The following conditions of sale (‘Conditions of Sale’) will apply to and bind the purchaser of any BOUNCEinc product described in the Website.


If you are making a purchase on behalf of another person, YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE MAKING THE PURCHASE AS THEIR AGENT.

  1. General Conditions

1.1.      The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises BOUNCEinc to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

1.2.      Children must be at least 3 years of age to use the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue and when less than 12 years of age be supervised by a responsible adult. Where you are responsible for such children you agree to be bound by these conditions on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.

1.3.      Participants must be in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant women, customers with pre-existing health issues or wearing casts are not permitted on the trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment. If in doubt please seek medical advice. By entering this agreement, you warrant that you are in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions or you will otherwise refrain from participating in the recreational activities.

1.4.      While in any BOUNCEinc venue you consent to images and video being taken for security or promotional purposes of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are responsible.

1.5.      All tickets remain the property of BOUNCEinc and cannot be refunded, transferred or resold. They are valid only for the date shown and are void if tampered with.

1.6.      The customer and all participants must comply with all signs or other directions of BOUNCEinc and it may suspend or cancel the customer’s and a participant’s access to

recreational activities at any BOUNCEinc venue in its absolute discretion for non-compliance with these conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct.

1.7.      If you purchase a ticket for the use of the trampolines or any other equipment or facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue on behalf of another person, you and that other person both agree that you make that purchase and enter this agreement as the authorised agent of that other person so that he/she will be bound by these terms & conditions.


  1. These Conditions of Sale

2.1.      Please read these Conditions of Sale carefully before using the Website. By using the Website, you are agreeing to be bound by these Conditions of Sale.

2.2.      The Website is provided by BOUNCE Australia Pty Ltd trading as BOUNCEinc. The material and information on the Website is provided in good faith by BOUNCEinc. While BOUNCEinc takes all reasonable care to ensure that the content is correct, it cannot guarantee that all the material is always true, accurate and free from errors. Accordingly, you must use this Website at your own risk and accept that the material and information on the website may contain errors and omissions and that it is not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such.

2.3.      The Website may provide links to third party websites and the products or services of third parties. BOUNCEinc is not responsible and is not liable in any way for third party content provided on or through the Website. You assess or use of the third party sites is at your own risk.

2.4.      This Website may from time to time display third party advertisements. Such advertisements may or may not contain hyperlinks to third party websites. BOUNCEinc does not endorse or recommend the goods or services of such advertisers or their websites. If you purchase any goods or services from them or visit any of their websites, you do so at your own risk.

2.5.      Copyright in the content and material on the Website is owned by BOUNCEinc or its licensors. You may download, store, display on your computer, view, listen to, play and print materials that BOUNCEinc publish or broadcast on the Website or make available for free download through the Website subject to the following: (a) the materials may be used by you solely for your own information and evaluation purposes relating to BOUNCEinc’ products and services; (b) the materials may not be modified or altered in any way; and (c) the materials may not be redistributed or sold to other parties.

2.6.      No content of this Website may be used, reproduced, distributed, stored in an electronic or other retrieval system, adapted, uploaded to a third party location, framed, performed in public or transmitted in any form by any process whatsoever without the written permission of BOUNCEinc except:

2.6.1.   as expressly permitted in these Conditions of Sale, or

2.6.2.   as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws.

2.7To the extent available by law, BOUNCEinc gives no guarantees or warranties in relation to the use or content of the Website. In particular, BOUNCEinc does not warrant that:

2.7.      1the Website will be continuously available or free from any delay in operation or transmission, virus, communications failure, internet access difficulties or malfunction in hardware or software;

2.7.2    the Website or any content will meet your requirements; or

2.7.3    the content does not infringe any third party intellectual property rights.

  1. Ordering Procedure

3.1.      You may offer to purchase any of the BOUNCEinc products described in the Website for the price specified on the Website.

3.2.      Your order must contain your name, phone number, e-mail address, credit card details and any other ordering information specified on the Website.

3.3.      Payment must be effected by credit card using the ordering facility on the Website.

3.4.      Confirmation of your purchase will be sent to your nominated email address once your payment for the transaction has been cleared. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days please contact the BOUNCEinc Contact Centre.

3.5.      You may not cancel an order once it has been submitted and paid, even if a confirmation email from the BOUNCEinc is still pending.

3.6.      If you wish to purchase a BOUNCEinc product by telephone, post or by visiting one of the BOUNCEinc venues in your State then any such purchase will be governed by these Conditions of Sale (excluding any of the Conditions of Sale that are specific to purchases made using the Website) but including the conditions displayed at the BOUNCEinc venue.

  1. Pricing

4.1.      The prices of the BOUNCEinc products shall be the prices displayed on the Website on the date of your order (inclusive of goods and services tax and any other charges which must be mandatorily disclosed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

4.2.      All prices displayed on the Website are quoted in Australian dollars and must be paid in full, except where discounts are offered as detailed on the Website.

  1. Cancellation of Order due to error or unavailability

5.1.      You acknowledge that despite BOUNCEinc’s reasonable precautions, BOUNCEinc’s products may be listed on the Website at an incorrect price, with incorrect information, or which are unavailable due to an error or other oversight. In these circumstances, BOUNCEinc reserves the right to cancel the transaction, notwithstanding that your order has been confirmed and your credit card has been charged.

5.2.      If a cancellation of this nature occurs after your credit card has been charged for the purchase, BOUNCEinc will immediately, or as soon as practicable, issue a credit to your credit card account for the amount in question.

  1. Order submission and your agreement to these Conditions of Sale

When you sign your name on your computer screen and pay for the BOUNCEinc products you have ordered, you agree to these Conditions of Sale and BOUNCEinc will treat the order as confirmed. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order. BOUNCEinc shall supply you, subject to availability, with BOUNCEinc products and services set out in your order. BOUNCEinc shall confirm each order made online via the Website or by email within two business days.

  1. Security Policy

7.1.      When purchasing from the Website your financial details are passed through a secure server.

7.2.      No transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst BOUNCEinc strives to protect such information, it does not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to it. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to BOUNCEinc, including your credit card details, is transmitted at your own risk and BOUNCEinc shall have no liability to you for any financial or consequential loss or damage suffered by you in anyway whatsoever arising out of or related to your use of this website whether due to negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

7.3.      Once BOUNCEinc receives your transmission, it will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.

  1. Changes to the Conditions of Sale

BOUNCEinc retains the right to vary these Conditions of Sale from time to time (including changing the prices of any BOUNCEinc products) provided that this does not materially affect the nature of any BOUNCEinc products purchased by you. Any variations become effective on posting of the changes on the Website. By making a purchase through the Website you agree to be bound by these Conditions of Sale and by any later variation to them when posted on the Website. BOUNCEinc encourage users to review this document regularly to keep abreast of such changes.

  1. Termination of Access

Access to the Website may be terminated at any time by BOUNCEinc without notice. BOUNCEinc’s disclaimers and limitations of liability will nevertheless survive any such termination.

  1. Law and Jurisdiction

These Conditions of Sale shall be governed by and construed firstly in accordance with the laws of the State of South Australia (the courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction) and then in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia. If any of these Conditions of Sale should be determined to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such conditions shall be deemed deleted and the remaining Conditions of Sale shall remain and continue to be valid, binding and enforceable.

  1. Privacy Policy

11.1.    You agree and authorise BOUNCEinc and their agents to do each of the following:

11.1.1. Collect your personal information provided by you on the Website;

11.1.2. Use your personal information for administering and operating the Website and for marketing purposes such as planning, researching, promoting and/or marketing any goods and/or services of BOUNCEinc and/or a third party by email, mail or telephone; and

11.1.3. Disclose and/or transfer the personal information to related bodies corporate, officers, employees and agents of BOUNCEinc.

11.2.    BOUNCEinc will only collect the personal information which is required for the functions and/or activities of the sale and supply of BOUNCEinc products. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any overseas recipients.

11.3.    BOUNCEinc will offer you opportunities to OPT-OUT of receiving all communications (or selected communications) from it. If you elect to opt out, BOUNCEinc will ensure your details are excluded from all internal marketing lists and future promotions. However, if you do take advantage of any offer from a third party organisation, they may send further offers to you directly.

11.4.    For more information regarding the kind of personal information BOUNCEinc collect, how its collects your information, the purposes for which the information is collected and how you can complain about any Australia Privacy Principle breach, please read BOUNCEinc’s privacy policy as displayed on the Website.

11.5.    You can access, update, delete or correct any personal information relating to you held in BOUNCEinc’s database by contacting its privacy officer at privacy@bounceinc.com.au.

11.6.    In administering the sale and supply of BOUNCEinc products, BOUNCEinc will collect certain personal information of yours. This information will be collected and used strictly in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles and BOUNCEinc’s privacy policy displayed on the Website.

11.7.    BOUNCEinc collects personal information required on the Website for the primary purpose of providing you with the products or services you are seeking and accordingly, if the personal information you provide is incomplete and/or inaccurate, BOUNCEinc may be unable to provide you with those products or services.

11.8.    Importantly, all personal information is stored on secure databases and will only be accessed by BOUNCEinc’s employees that have a need to use the information in the normal course of their duties. For more information, please visit BOUNCEinc’s privacy policy.

11.9.    Personal information about yourself and your transaction records are available by contacting the BOUNCEinc privacy officer at privacy@bounceinc.com.au. Your personal information will be disclosed to you on request and with presentation of proper identification.


PRIVACY STATEMENT – See Website: www.bounceinc.com.au for privacy statement





  1. Bounce South Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 165 787 593), trading as BOUNCEinc as the supplier of recreational services, sells all tickets and supplies all recreational services and facilities to you (the customer) including but not limited to trampolining, trampolining lessons, use of the wall, foam pit, bag jump, equipment rental and maintenance, the condition, layout, construction, design, maintenance and use of trampolines, the presence of people or objects thereon, the surrounding areas and any other associated sporting activities or similar leisure time pursuits (‘Recreational Activities’) in the BOUNCEinc venue subject to the following conditions:

12.1.    By purchasing a ticket for or by using any of the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue, in South Australia the customer agrees to be bound by these conditions.

12.2.    RISK WARNING: The Recreational Activities, which include the use of trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment at any BOUNCEinc venue involve a significant risk to participants suffering personal injury including the possibility of serious injuries, permanent disability or death. All participants who engage in such activities do so at their own risk.

12.3.    The customer acknowledges and agrees that:

12.3.1. that the Recreational Activities are dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue BOUNCEinc, its employees, directors or agents for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to the customer’s participation in such activities;

12.3.2. BOUNCEinc, its employees, directors and agents are not liable to the customer, his/her dependants or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the customer due to the negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc in any way relating to or arising from the supply of Recreational Activities to the customer;

12.3.3. the customer will indemnify BOUNCEinc, its employees, directors and agents for and against all liability to the customer due to the negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc in any way relating to or arising from the supply of Recreational Activities to the customer.

  1. Recreational services – Exclusion, restriction or modification of rights under the Australian Consumer Law (SA)

Your rights

Under sections 60 and 61 of the Australian Consumer Law (SA), if a person in trade or commerce supplies you with services (including recreational services), there is:

a statutory guarantee that those services will be rendered with due care and skill; and

a statutory guarantee that those services, and any product resulting from those services, will be reasonably fit for the purpose for which the services are being acquired (as long as that purpose is made known to the supplier); and

a statutory guarantee that those services, and any product resulting from those services, will be of such a nature, and quality, state or condition, that they might reasonably be expected to achieve the result that the consumer wishes to achieve (as long as that wish is made known to the supplier or a person with whom negotiations have been conducted in relation to the acquisition of the services).

Excluding, restricting or modifying your rights

Under section 42 of the Fair Trading Act 1987, the supplier of recreational services is entitled to ask you to agree to exclude, restrict or modify his or her liability for any personal injury suffered by you or another person for whom or on whose behalf you are acquiring the services (a third party consumer).

If you sign this form, you will be agreeing to exclude, restrict or modify Bounce South Australia Pty Ltd’s (ACN 165 787 593) (trading as BOUNCEinc), liability with the result that compensation may not be payable if you or the third party consumer suffer personal injury.


You do not have to agree to exclude, restrict or modify your rights by signing this form.

The supplier may refuse to provide you with the services if you do not agree to exclude, restrict or modify your rights by signing this form.

Even if you sign this form, you may still have further legal rights against the supplier.

A child under the age of 18 cannot legally agree to exclude, restrict or modify his or her rights.

A parent or guardian of a child who acquires recreational services for the child cannot legally agree to exclude, restrict or modify the child’s rights.

Agreement to exclude, restrict or modify your rights

I agree that the liability of BOUNCEinc for any personal injury that may result from the supply of the recreational services that may be suffered by me (or a person for whom or on whose behalf I am acquiring the services) is excluded.



  1. Recreational Services are services that consist of participation in:

a sporting activity or similar leisure-time pursuit; or

any other activity that involves a significant degree of physical exertion or risk and is undertaken for the purposes of recreation, enjoyment or leisure.

  1. Personal Injury is bodily injury and includes mental and nervous shock and death.

Further Information

Further information about your rights can be found at www.ocba.sa.gov.au.




The following conditions of sale (‘Conditions of Sale’) will apply to and bind the purchaser of any BOUNCEinc product described in the Website.




  1. Bounce Australia Pty Ltd, trading as BOUNCEinc as the supplier of recreational services, sells all tickets and supplies all recreational services and facilities to you (the customer) including, but not limited to trampolining, trampolining lessons, use of the wall, foam pit, bag jump, equipment rental and maintenance, the condition, layout, construction, design, maintenance and use of trampolines, the presence of people or objects thereon, the surrounding areas and any other associated sporting activities or similar leisure time pursuits (recreational activities) in the BOUNCEinc venue subject to the following conditions:

1.1. By purchasing a ticket for or by using any of the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue, the customer agrees to be bound by these conditions.

1.2. BOUNCEinc, its employees, directors and agents are not liable to the customer, your dependants or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the customer because the recreational activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose or because of the negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

1.3. The customer acknowledges that the recreational activities are dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue BOUNCEinc for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to the customer’s participation in such activities.

1.4. RISK WARNING: The use of trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment at any BOUNCEinc venue involves a significant risk of participants suffering personal injury including the possibility of serious injuries, permanent disability or death. All participants who engage in such recreational activities do so at their own risk.

1.5. The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises BOUNCEinc to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

1.6. Children must be at least 3 years of age to use the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue and when less than 12 years of age be supervised by a responsible adult. Where you are responsible for such children you agree to be bound by these conditions on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.

1.7. Participants must be in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant women, customers with pre-existing health issues or wearing casts are not permitted on trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment . If in doubt please seek medical advice.

1.8. While in any BOUNCEinc venue you consent to images and video being taken for security or promotional purposes of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are responsible.

1.9. All tickets remain the property of BOUNCEinc and cannot be transferred or resold. They are valid only for the date shown and are void if tampered with.

1.10. The customer and all participants must comply with all signs or other directions of BOUNCEinc and it may suspend or cancel the customer’s and a participant’s access to recreational activities at any BOUNCEinc venue in its absolute discretion for non compliance with these conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct.

1.11. If you purchase a ticket for the use of the trampolines or any other equipment or facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue on behalf of another person, you and that other person both agree that you make that purchase as the authorised agent of that other person so that he/she will be bound by these conditions.


  1. These Conditions of Sale

2.1. Please read these Conditions of Sale carefully before using the Website. By using the Website, you are agreeing to be bound by these Conditions of Sale.

2.2. The Website is provided by BOUNCE Australia Pty Ltd trading as BOUNCEinc.

2.3. The Website may provide links to third party websites and the products or services of third parties. BOUNCEinc is not responsible and is not liable in any way for third party content provided on or through the Website. You assess or use of the third party sites is at your own risk.

2.4. This site may from time to time display third party advertisements. Such advertisements or may not contain hyperlinks to third party websites. BOUNCEinc does not endorse or recommend the goods or services of such advertisers or their websites. If you purchase any goods or services from them or visit any of their websites, you do so at your own risk.

2.5. Copyright in the Website is owned by BOUNCEinc or its licensors.

2.6. The website may contain trade marks or logos of BOUNCEinc, other companies or organisations and these are proprietary to the owner(s) of such marks.

2.7. BOUNCEinc may at any time discontinue or limit access to the Website or its content. BOUNCEinc may terminate or limit your assess to the to the Website if you breach these conditions. All disclaimers and limitations of liability by BOUNCEinc will survive termination.

  1. Ordering Procedure

3.1. You may offer to purchase any of the BOUNCEinc products described in the Website for the price specified on the Website.

3.2. Your order must contain your name, phone number, e-mail address, credit card details and any other ordering information specified on the Website.

3.3. Payment must be effected by credit card using the ordering facility on the Website.

3.4. Confirmation of your purchase will be sent to your nominated email address once your payment for the transaction has been cleared. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days please contact the BOUNCEinc Contact Centre.

3.5. You may not cancel an order once it has been submitted and paid, even if a confirmation email from the BOUNCEinc is still pending.

3.6. If you wish to purchase a BOUNCEinc product by telephone, post or by visiting one of the BOUNCEinc venues in your State then any such purchase will be governed by these Conditions of Sale (excluding any of the Conditions of Sale that are specific to purchases made using the Website) but including the conditions displayed at the BOUNCEinc venue.

  1. Pricing

4.1. The prices of the BOUNCEinc products shall be the prices displayed on the Website on the date of your order (inclusive of goods and services tax and any other charges which must be mandatorily disclosed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

4.2. All prices displayed on the Website are quoted in Australian dollars and must be paid in full, except where discounts are offered as detailed on the Website.

  1. Cancellation due to error or unavailability

5.1. You acknowledge that despite BOUNCEinc’s reasonable precautions, BOUNCEinc’s products may be listed at an incorrect price, with incorrect information, or which are unavailable due to an error or other oversight. In these circumstances, BOUNCEinc reserves the right to cancel the transaction, notwithstanding that your order has been confirmed and your credit card has been charged.

5.2. If a cancellation of this nature occurs after your credit card has been charged for the purchase, BOUNCEinc will immediately issue a credit to your credit card account for the amount in question.

  1. Details of conditions applicable to purchase of BOUNCEinc products

Details of the conditions applicable to the purchase of BOUNCEinc products on the Website may differ from time to time. BOUNCEinc reserves the right to make any changes to the details and Conditions of Sale if necessary to comply with any applicable legislation and to change the details and conditions published on the Website, without affording notice, provided that this does not materially affect the nature of the BOUNCEinc products purchased by you.

  1. Order submission and your agreement to these Conditions of Sale

When you click on the “I Agree” checkbox you agree to these Conditions of Sale and BOUNCEinc will treat the order as confirmed. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order. BOUNCEinc shall supply you, subject to availability, with BOUNCEinc Products set out in your order. BOUNCEinc shall confirm each order made online via the Website or by email within two business days.

  1. Security Policy

8.1. When purchasing from the Website your financial details are passed through a secure server.

8.2. No transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst BOUNCEinc strives to protect such information, it does not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to it. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to BOUNCEinc, including your credit card details, is transmitted at your own risk and BOUNCEinc shall have no liability to you for any financial or consequential loss or damage suffered by you in anyway whatsoever arising out of or related to your use of this website whether due to negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

8.3. Once BOUNCEinc receives your transmission, it will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.

  1. Law and jurisdiction

These Conditions of Sale shall be governed by and construed firstly in accordance with the laws of the State in which your purchase is made (the courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction) and then in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia. If any of these Conditions of Sale should be determined to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such conditions shall be deemed deleted and the remaining Conditions of Sale shall remain and continue to be valid, binding and enforceable.




The following conditions of sale (‘Conditions of Sale’) will apply to and bind the purchaser of any BOUNCEinc product described in the Website.






  1. Definitions

1.1.      “BOUNCEinc” means Bounce Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 154 220 569), trading as BOUNCEinc and its employees, directors and agents as the supplier of recreational services

1.2.      “Recreational Services” includes but is not limited to trampolining, trampolining lessons, use of the wall, foam pit, bag jump, equipment rental and maintenance, the condition, layout, construction, design, maintenance and use of trampolines, the presence of people or objects thereon, the surrounding areas and any other associated sporting activities or similar leisure time pursuits.

  1. BOUNCEinc sells all tickets and supplies all recreational services and facilities to you (the customer) in the BOUNCEinc venue subject to the following conditions:

2.1.      By purchasing a ticket for or by using any of the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue, the customer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

2.2.      BOUNCEinc is not liable to the customer, your dependants or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the customer because the recreational activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose or because of the negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

2.3.      The customer acknowledges that the recreational activities are dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue BOUNCEinc for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to the customer’s participation in such activities.

2.4.      RISK WARNING: The use of trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment at any BOUNCEinc venue involves a significant risk of participants suffering personal injury including the possibility of serious injuries, permanent disability or death. All participants who engage in such recreational activities do so at their own risk.


2012: Under the Australian Consumer Law, several statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods and services. These guarantees mean that the supplier named in this agreement is required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you:

  • are rendered with due care and skill; and
  • are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and
  • might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier.

Under section 22 of the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012, the supplier is entitled to ask you to agree that these statutory guarantees do not apply to you. If you accept these terms and conditions, you will be agreeing that your rights to sue the supplier under the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012 if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with these guarantees, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in this agreement (paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3).

NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in this agreement, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier’s part. Gross negligence, in relation to an act or omission, means doing the act or omitting to do an act with reckless disregard, with or without consciousness, for the consequences of the act or omission. See regulation 5 of the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012 and section 23(3)(b) of the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012.

2.6.      The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises BOUNCEinc to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

2.7.      Children must be at least 3 years of age to use the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue and when less than 12 years of age be supervised by a responsible adult. Where you are responsible for such children you agree to be bound by these conditions on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.

2.8.      Participants must be in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant women, customers with pre-existing health issues or wearing casts are not permitted on the trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment. If in doubt please seek medical advice. By entering this agreement, you warrant that you are in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions or you will otherwise refrain from participating in the recreational activities.

2.9.      While in any BOUNCEinc venue you consent to images and video being taken for security or promotional purposes of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are responsible.

2.10.    All tickets remain the property of BOUNCEinc and cannot be refunded, transferred or resold. They are valid only for the date shown and are void if tampered with.

2.11.    The customer and all participants must comply with all signs or other directions of BOUNCEinc and it may suspend or cancel the customer’s and a participant’s access to

recreational activities at any BOUNCEinc venue in its absolute discretion for non-compliance with these conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct.

2.12.    If you purchase a ticket for the use of the trampolines or any other equipment or facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue on behalf of another person, you and that other person both agree that you make that purchase and enter this agreement as the authorised agent of that other person so that he/she will be bound by these terms & conditions.


  1. These Conditions of Sale

3.1     Please read these Conditions of Sale carefully before using the Website. By using theWebsite, you are agreeing to be bound by these Conditions of Sale.

3.2     The Website is provided by BOUNCE Australia Pty Ltd trading as BOUNCEinc.

3.3     The Website may provide links to third party websites and the products or services of third parties. BOUNCEinc is not responsible and is not liable in any way for third party content provided on or through the Website. You assess or use of the third party sites is at your own risk.

3.4     This site may from time to time display third party advertisements. Such advertisements or may not contain hyperlinks to third party websites. BOUNCEinc does not endorse or recommend the goods or services of such advertisers or their websites. If you purchase any goods or services from them or visit any of their websites, you do so at your own risk.

3.5     Copyright in the Website is owned by BOUNCEinc or its licensors.

2.6     The website may contain trade marks or logos of BOUNCEinc, other companies or organisations and these are proprietary to the owner(s) of such marks.

3.7     BOUNCEinc may at any time discontinue or limit access to the Website or its content. BOUNCEinc may terminate or limit your assess to the to the Website if you breach these conditions. All disclaimers and limitations of liability by BOUNCEinc will survive termination.

  1. Ordering Procedure

4.1     You may offer to purchase any of the BOUNCEinc products described in the Website for the price specified on the Website.

4.2     Your order must contain your name, phone number, e-mail address, credit card details and any other ordering information specified on the Website.

4.3     Payment must be effected by credit card using the ordering facility on the Website.

4.4     Confirmation of your purchase will be sent to your nominated email address once your payment for the transaction has been cleared. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days please contact the BOUNCEinc Contact Centre.

4.5     You may not cancel an order once it has been submitted and paid, even if a confirmation email from the BOUNCEinc is still pending.

4.6     If you wish to purchase a BOUNCEinc product by telephone, post or by visiting one of the BOUNCEinc venues in your State then any such purchase will be governed by these Conditions of Sale (excluding any of the Conditions of Sale that are specific to purchases made using the Website) but including the conditions displayed at the BOUNCEinc venue.

  1. Pricing

5.1     The prices of the BOUNCEinc products shall be the prices displayed on the Website on the date of your order (inclusive of goods and services tax and any other charges which must be mandatorily disclosed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

5.2     All prices displayed on the Website are quoted in Australian dollars and must be paid in full, except where discounts are offered as detailed on the Website.

  1. Cancellation due to error or unavailability

6.1     You acknowledge that despite BOUNCEinc’s reasonable precautions, BOUNCEinc’s products may be listed at an incorrect price, with incorrect information, or which are unavailable due to an error, unavoidable circumstances or other oversight. In these circumstances, BOUNCEinc reserves the right to cancel the transaction, notwithstanding that your order has been confirmed and your credit card has been charged.

6.2     If a cancellation of this nature occurs after your credit card has been charged for the purchase, BOUNCEinc will immediately issue a credit to your credit card account for the amount in question.

  1. Details of conditions applicable to purchase of BOUNCEinc products

Details of the conditions applicable to the purchase of BOUNCEinc products on the Website may differ from time to time. BOUNCEinc reserves the right to make any changes to the details and Conditions of Sale if necessary to comply with any applicable legislation and to change the details and conditions published on the Website, without affording notice, provided that this does not materially affect the nature of the BOUNCEinc products purchased by you.

  1. Order submission and your agreement to these Conditions of Sale

When you click on the “I Agree” checkbox you agree to these Conditions of Sale and BOUNCEinc will treat the order as confirmed. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order. BOUNCEinc shall supply you, subject to availability, with BOUNCEinc Products set out in your order. BOUNCEinc shall confirm each order made online via the Website or by email within two business days.

  1. Security Policy

9.1     When purchasing from the Website your financial details are passed through a secure server.

9.2     No transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst BOUNCEinc strives to protect such information, it does not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to it. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to BOUNCEinc, including your credit card details, is transmitted at your own risk and BOUNCEinc shall have no liability to you for any financial or consequential loss or damage suffered by you in anyway whatsoever arising out of or related to your use of this website whether due to negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

9.3     Once BOUNCEinc receives your transmission, it will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.

  1. Law and jurisdiction

These Conditions of Sale shall be governed by and construed firstly in accordance with the laws of the State in which your purchase is made (the courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction) and then in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia. If any of these Conditions of Sale should be determined to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such conditions shall be deemed deleted and the remaining Conditions of Sale shall remain and continue to be valid, binding and enforceable.

I Agree to the BOUNCEinc Terms and Conditions and that bookings are non-refundable, non-transferable and only applicable for time and session date booked


Western Australia


The following conditions of sale (‘Conditions of Sale’) will apply to and bind the purchaser of any BOUNCEinc product described in the Website.





  1. Definitions

1.1.      “BOUNCEinc” means Bounce Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 154 220 569), trading as BOUNCEinc and its employees, directors and agents as the supplier of recreational services

1.2.      “Recreational Services” includes but is not limited to trampolining, trampolining lessons, use of the wall, foam pit, bag jump, equipment rental and maintenance, the condition, layout, construction, design, maintenance and use of trampolines, the presence of people or objects thereon, the surrounding areas and any other associated sporting activities or similar leisure time pursuits.

  1. BOUNCEinc sells all tickets and supplies all recreational services and facilities to you (the customer) in the BOUNCEinc venue subject to the following conditions:

2.1.      By purchasing a ticket for or by using any of the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue, the customer agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

2.2.      BOUNCEinc is not liable to the customer, your dependants or legal representatives for personal injury or death suffered by the customer because the recreational activities were not supplied with due care and skill or were not reasonably fit for their purpose or because of the negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

2.3.      The customer acknowledges that the recreational activities are dangerous with many inherent risks and hazards and as a consequence personal injury and sometimes death can occur and the customer assumes and accepts all such risks and hereby waives the right to sue BOUNCEinc for any personal injury or death in any way whatsoever caused by or relating to the customer’s participation in such activities.

2.4.      RISK WARNING: The use of trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment at any BOUNCEinc venue involves a significant risk of participants suffering personal injury including the possibility of serious injuries, permanent disability or death. All participants who engage in such recreational activities do so at their own risk.


2012: Under the Australian Consumer Law, several statutory guarantees apply to the supply of certain goods and services. These guarantees mean that the supplier named in this agreement is required to ensure that the recreational services it supplies to you:

  • are rendered with due care and skill; and
  • are reasonably fit for any purpose which you, either expressly or by implication, make known to the supplier; and
  • might reasonably be expected to achieve any result you have made known to the supplier.

Under section 22 of the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012, the supplier is entitled to ask you to agree that these statutory guarantees do not apply to you. If you accept these terms and conditions, you will be agreeing that your rights to sue the supplier under the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012 if you are killed or injured because the services provided were not in accordance with these guarantees, are excluded, restricted or modified in the way set out in this agreement (paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3).

NOTE: The change to your rights, as set out in this agreement, does not apply if your death or injury is due to gross negligence on the supplier’s part. Gross negligence, in relation to an act or omission, means doing the act or omitting to do an act with reckless disregard, with or without consciousness, for the consequences of the act or omission. See regulation 5 of the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012 and section 23(3)(b) of the Australian Consumer Law & Fair Trading Act 2012.

2.6.      The customer agrees to pay the cost of and authorises BOUNCEinc to take all steps it considers reasonably necessary to protect his/her welfare in the event of personal injury, including the administration of any emergency medical treatment and ambulance transportation.

2.7.      Children must be at least 3 years of age to use the facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue and when less than 12 years of age be supervised by a responsible adult. Where you are responsible for such children you agree to be bound by these conditions on their behalf and you will directly supervise them at all times.

2.8.      Participants must be in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions. For safety reasons, pregnant women, customers with pre-existing health issues or wearing casts are not permitted on the trampolines, the wall, foam pit, bag jump or any other equipment. If in doubt please seek medical advice. By entering this agreement, you warrant that you are in good health and free from any adverse medical conditions or you will otherwise refrain from participating in the recreational activities.

2.9.      While in any BOUNCEinc venue you consent to images and video being taken for security or promotional purposes of yourself, your children or of children for whom you are responsible.

2.10.    All tickets remain the property of BOUNCEinc and cannot be refunded, transferred or resold. They are valid only for the date shown and are void if tampered with.

2.11.    The customer and all participants must comply with all signs or other directions of BOUNCEinc and it may suspend or cancel the customer’s and a participant’s access to

recreational activities at any BOUNCEinc venue in its absolute discretion for non-compliance with these conditions, or for reckless or careless conduct.

2.12.    If you purchase a ticket for the use of the trampolines or any other equipment or facilities at any BOUNCEinc venue on behalf of another person, you and that other person both agree that you make that purchase and enter this agreement as the authorised agent of that other person so that he/she will be bound by these terms & conditions.


  1. These Conditions of Sale

3.1     Please read these Conditions of Sale carefully before using the Website. By using theWebsite, you are agreeing to be bound by these Conditions of Sale.

3.2     The Website is provided by BOUNCE Australia Pty Ltd trading as BOUNCEinc.

3.3     The Website may provide links to third party websites and the products or services of third parties. BOUNCEinc is not responsible and is not liable in any way for third party content provided on or through the Website. You assess or use of the third party sites is at your own risk.

3.4     This site may from time to time display third party advertisements. Such advertisements or may not contain hyperlinks to third party websites. BOUNCEinc does not endorse or recommend the goods or services of such advertisers or their websites. If you purchase any goods or services from them or visit any of their websites, you do so at your own risk.

3.5     Copyright in the Website is owned by BOUNCEinc or its licensors.

2.6     The website may contain trade marks or logos of BOUNCEinc, other companies or organisations and these are proprietary to the owner(s) of such marks.

3.7     BOUNCEinc may at any time discontinue or limit access to the Website or its content. BOUNCEinc may terminate or limit your assess to the to the Website if you breach these conditions. All disclaimers and limitations of liability by BOUNCEinc will survive termination.

  1. Ordering Procedure

4.1     You may offer to purchase any of the BOUNCEinc products described in the Website for the price specified on the Website.

4.2     Your order must contain your name, phone number, e-mail address, credit card details and any other ordering information specified on the Website.

4.3     Payment must be effected by credit card using the ordering facility on the Website.

4.4     Confirmation of your purchase will be sent to your nominated email address once your payment for the transaction has been cleared. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two business days please contact the BOUNCEinc Contact Centre.

4.5     You may not cancel an order once it has been submitted and paid, even if a confirmation email from the BOUNCEinc is still pending.

4.6     If you wish to purchase a BOUNCEinc product by telephone, post or by visiting one of the BOUNCEinc venues in your State then any such purchase will be governed by these Conditions of Sale (excluding any of the Conditions of Sale that are specific to purchases made using the Website) but including the conditions displayed at the BOUNCEinc venue.

  1. Pricing

5.1     The prices of the BOUNCEinc products shall be the prices displayed on the Website on the date of your order (inclusive of goods and services tax and any other charges which must be mandatorily disclosed under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

5.2     All prices displayed on the Website are quoted in Australian dollars and must be paid in full, except where discounts are offered as detailed on the Website.

  1. Cancellation due to error or unavailability

6.1     You acknowledge that despite BOUNCEinc’s reasonable precautions, BOUNCEinc’s products may be listed at an incorrect price, with incorrect information, or which are unavailable due to an error, unavoidable circumstances or other oversight. In these circumstances, BOUNCEinc reserves the right to cancel the transaction, notwithstanding that your order has been confirmed and your credit card has been charged.

6.2     If a cancellation of this nature occurs after your credit card has been charged for the purchase, BOUNCEinc will immediately issue a credit to your credit card account for the amount in question.

  1. Details of conditions applicable to purchase of BOUNCEinc products

Details of the conditions applicable to the purchase of BOUNCEinc products on the Website may differ from time to time. BOUNCEinc reserves the right to make any changes to the details and Conditions of Sale if necessary to comply with any applicable legislation and to change the details and conditions published on the Website, without affording notice, provided that this does not materially affect the nature of the BOUNCEinc products purchased by you.

  1. Order submission and your agreement to these Conditions of Sale

When you click on the “I Agree” checkbox you agree to these Conditions of Sale and BOUNCEinc will treat the order as confirmed. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of your order. BOUNCEinc shall supply you, subject to availability, with BOUNCEinc Products set out in your order. BOUNCEinc shall confirm each order made online via the Website or by email within two business days.

  1. Security Policy

9.1     When purchasing from the Website your financial details are passed through a secure server.

9.2     No transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst BOUNCEinc strives to protect such information, it does not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to it. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to BOUNCEinc, including your credit card details, is transmitted at your own risk and BOUNCEinc shall have no liability to you for any financial or consequential loss or damage suffered by you in anyway whatsoever arising out of or related to your use of this website whether due to negligence, breach of contract, statute or statutory duty by BOUNCEinc.

9.3     Once BOUNCEinc receives your transmission, it will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.

  1. Law and jurisdiction

These Conditions of Sale shall be governed by and construed firstly in accordance with the laws of the State in which your purchase is made (the courts of which shall have exclusive jurisdiction) and then in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Australia. If any of these Conditions of Sale should be determined to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, such conditions shall be deemed deleted and the remaining Conditions of Sale shall remain and continue to be valid, binding and enforceable.

I Agree to the BOUNCEinc Terms and Conditions and that bookings are non-refundable, non-transferable and only applicable for time and session date booked



Bounce Promo Code Terms and Conditions:

  • Certain ticket types or products may be excluded from promo codes. See the specific details of the promo code for a list of excluded products.
  • Promo codes cannot be backdated or applied to previous transactions.
  • Standard Bounce terms of use and cancellation policy applies.
  • Promo codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, voucher or discount.
  • Bounce reserves the right to amend or withdraw promo codes at any time.
  • Promo codes are not transferable or redeemable for cash or credit.
  • For the promo code to apply, it must be entered online or mentioned to customer service representative over the phone, prior to completing your booking. Use of promo code must be initiated by customer.